Tagged: work samples

media work by Roger Frost

visitors this year: 146 I wrote hundreds of items of copy for publishers and big companies and other print for education. I’ve put samples here more to remind me than anyone else. The main...

roger frost: books

visitors this year: 155 My series of IT books could be found in any UK school if you’d popped into one between 1994 – 2004. They are now public domain and sold on Amazon...

roger frost: workshops I delivered

visitors this year: 84 cover photo: a weekend course at Kilarny Lakes, Ireland. I ran courses to introduce school staff, lecturers, advisers and teacher trainers to the ways that technology might improve education. My...

roger frost: his never-used CV

visitors this year: 128 It was only when someone asked ‘can you send me your CV?’ did I realise how long I worked without one. It was proof that it was once possible to...