Tagged: temperature sensor

characteristics of a thermistor

visitors this year: 139 A thermistor is an electronic component whose resistance changes with temperature. The voltage and current of a thermistor can be measured as the temperature changes. Sensors allow you to take...

pressure & temperature

visitors this year: 192 The pressure in a sealed container changes with temperature. These changes can be monitored using sensors attached to the computer. A graph of pressure against temperature can be plotted as...

heat conduction through a window

visitors this year: 36 Get two temperature sensors to measure the temperature inside and outside a window. You may find that over a long period of time it is best to record your data...

heat conduction

visitors this year: 94 You can use a temperature sensor to study the conduction of heat through materials. Two temperature sensors allow you to compare different materials at the same time. In this example,...

insulation of stacked cups

visitors this year: 48 Three plastic cups are stacked inside each other and a temperature probe placed between each cup. Before stacking the final cup hot water (take care) is poured into the middle...


visitors this year: 228 You can use a temperature sensor to study the insulating properties of materials. Two temperature sensors allow you to compare different materials at the same time. In this example two...

aerobic and anaerobic respiration

visitors this year: 198 When a living thing, such as yeast, respires it produces heat. It may do this in the presence or absence of oxygen. These processes are called aerobic respiration and anaerobic...

warm germinating seeds

visitors this year: 123 When seeds germinate they use energy and give off heat. To test this, you can use temperature sensors which will continuously monitor any heat produced. You will set up some...

energy in food

visitors this year: 45 As food burns it releases energy. This energy can be used to heat up water. If you know how much water you used, and how hot it gets, you can...

freezing a bun or bread roll

visitors this year: 72 We scientists do the strangest of things. We wanted to see the temperature changes when you freeze and thaw things. So we took a ‘bun’ (a bread roll), placed temperature...

heating ice

visitors this year: 272 You would think that when you heat up ice that it gets warmer bit by bit. And maybe that the more you heat it the hotter it gets. Well it’s...

a cooling curve

visitors this year: 4,779 I expect that when something cools, it will get cooler in a plodding kind of way. That’s true, but when something changes state, the cooling is not so steady.The graph...

keep the house warm

visitors this year: 61 We need to keep our homes warm in cold weather. We also need to do this as economically as possible. There are several ways to insulate your home and keep...

exothermic reactions

visitors this year: 51 When quicklime is mixed with water an exothermic reaction takes place. A temperature sensor can collect information about the heat generated over time. Other things being equal, this reaction might...