Tagged: DNA

scientist 66: the science journalist – report from the MRC LMB Cambridge (2014)

visitors this year: 907 Dr Chris Creese and Roger Frost tour the LMB-MRC open day exhibition and learn about body clocks and worms. Follow-up link Read more at Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology www.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk


scientist 64: the molecular biologist – Hugh Pelham at MRC LMB Cambridge (2014)

visitors this year: 1,044 The Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge is credited for landmark discoveries and cutting-edge techniques. This podcast offers an overview of what the LMB do. On the occasion of the Medical Research Council centenary,...


scientist 42: the clinical immunologist – Mark Larche on pet and grass allergies (2013)

visitors this year: 496 A UK biotechnology company has been testing vaccines for common allergies. The vaccines use SPIREs (synthetic peptides that regulate immune system cells) to help people fend off their allergies to...


scientist 36: the research biotechnologist – Alan Tunnacliffe & the bdelloid rotifer (2013)

visitors this year: 313 Professor Alan Tunnacliffe of the Cambridge University Department of Chemical Engineering tells why the bdelloid rotifer has fascinated top biologists. This microscopically tiny invertebrate lives in rain puddles. The creature can survive without water for millions of...
